GETransports Optimizes Social Data Management with Strada Solutions
Cas clients

GETransports, an association founded in 1998 by transport companies to address their labor shortage, is one of the leading Employers' Groups specializing in transportation in Nouvelle-Aquitaine. For 25 years, the association has enabled the pooling of numerous resources, including employment, providing its 53 member companies with a reliable transport and logistics network. With 110 employees, including 90 truck drivers, GETransports places a high value on human resources and skills sharing at the heart of its activities.  

By supporting companies in Nouvelle-Aquitaine, GETransports offers flexible pooled solutions, trained and qualified personnel, as well as HR consulting and management services (without transport equipment).

Their Challenge 

GETransports relied exclusively on its member companies for collecting variables from their truck drivers, who were provided daily.  

The collection of social driving data (hours, expenses, infractions) took days or even weeks and required data re-entry, thus increasing the potential risk of errors.  

Unlike transport companies, the group does not own rolling stock and therefore does not have access to geolocation. The primary goal was to improve pre-payroll management by saving processing time and providing users (employees) with simple visibility of their work status. 

The Solution :

The implementation of STRADA solutions was carried out in two phases:

  • 2023 was the year of tool installation and preparation through a testing phase

  • , and 2024 marked the full operational launch of Strada Time and the SPI application.
    This resulted in significant time savings for GETransports and easier data transmission for the drivers, increasing their involvement. 

To address their issue, GETransports decided to internalize the data collection process and adopted the Strada Time software coupled with its mobile application "SPI." This combination allows for the collection of all driving data from the drivers, providing increased autonomy, albeit dependent on their commitment to weekly and monthly driver card data downloads.  

Another major challenge for its internal operations service was to have instant access to data to optimize personnel scheduling. 

To achieve this, Strada leveraged its expertise and technology to implement its remote legal driving data download system and equipped the group with the necessary hardware for reading driver cards via a dedicated card reader and corresponding subscriptions.

Thanks to remote downloading via the SPI application and a Strada key, drivers can transmit their card data to their employer with a single action. Additionally, the SPI application, available on Android and iOS, offers users a uniform interface to transmit and read their driving times, with visibility of their daily, weekly, and monthly working hours. 

This process has greatly optimized payroll processing, simplifying administrative management. 

Training and Autonomy for the Teams ! 

To ensure the operational efficiency of the solutions, Strada provided detailed explanations to GETransports' employees (with very responsive technical support), access to tutorials, and a documentation base, enabling them to operate the tools independently. GETransports thus efficiently manages the application accounts, ensuring optimal use of Strada Time and SPI.

Marylène Gonthier, a versatile assistant at GETransports who implemented the tool internally and is the main contact for drivers and Strada support, testifies: "For us, Strada tools have improved team scheduling management (infraction control, hours management assistance to comply with legislation, time modifications following handling errors). With Strada Time and the SPI application, we have gained control over times and performance, achieving precise and autonomous payroll. We also provided a solution to all our drivers so they can transmit their data wherever they are."

Thanks to Strada solutions, GETransports has enhanced its operational efficiency in both scheduling management and pre-payroll management. Strada tools, by simplifying time management and providing visibility of working hours, have been key elements in optimizing operations and personnel tracking at GETransports. Strada has provided satisfaction and autonomy through significant simplification of direct processing.  

Their current objective is to advance the salary payment date. 

This collaboration perfectly illustrates how well-adapted IT solutions can transform a company's processes and bring significant added value. 
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